According [subscription req.] to the Wall Street Journal, Verizon is currently in negotiations with YouTube concerning mobile delivery of the popular video sharing site's content. YouTube currently has no mobile viewing platform but does make it easy to submit videos from mobile phones (through MMS). The talks aren't completely limited to Verizon Wireless though, Verizon's FiOS TV service could also gain new content from a deal with YouTube.
Verizon Wireless would likely place YouTube clips inside of its existing V Cast service that currently includes content from major broadcasters like MTV and ABC News.
Under the terms being discussed, Verizon Wireless cellphone users would be able to access about 50 to 100 of the most popular videos on the YouTube Web site at any given time, people familiar with the matter said.
Copyright concerns are probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. In somewhat related news, MySpace is expected to launch a mobile version in the near future.