UPDATE: It's true. BroadbandAccess is in new markets too.
Reuters is reporting that Verizon Wireless will lower the cost of its unlimited EV-DO 3G data service. The package currently costs $79.99 per month. Sprint Nextel recently launched similar service is select cities for the same $79.99 price point.
The No. 2 U.S mobile service and the country's first to sell wireless Web links with speeds comparable to some home broadband services, will cut its $80 a month rate plan to about $60 in a bid to stay ahead of rivals such as Sprint Nextel, said American Technology Research analyst Albert Lin.
The price cut would probably make others follow suit. Regional carrier ALLTEL offers EV-DO service for $69.99 in limited areas.
In related news, Om Malik says Verizon is finally set to launch EV-DO service in San Fransisco.