Ringtone tops British charts, exceeds Coldplay
May 29 2005 - 08:20 PM ET | Ringtones

A ringtone
made its way to the top of the British singles chart this Sunday, topping Brit-rock group Coldplay. Ringtone Crazy Frog Axel F outsold Coldplay's Speed of Sound 4-1, making for a disapointing opening weekend for the popular band.
Crazy Frog Axel F is based off the revving sound of a Swedish mo-ped. It marks the first time a ringtone made it to the singles chart for conventional music sales. Interestingly enough, most of the ringtone's sales have come from a CD, not from digital download.
bq. "This song is incredibly irritating and puerile and we're still trying to understand why people like it," Gennaro Castaldo, a spokesman for HMV [A British music retailer], said
You can preview Crazy Frog Axel F
online. Background on the ringtone is available from