Verizon Wireless ships Treo 650 with push email

Verizon Wireless today officially started business channel sales of the Treo 650 (see
previous report). News broke today that with the launch of the Treo 650, Verizon Wireless is shipping a push email solution powered by Intellisync. This is seen as a move to directly compete with BlackBerry (push email works like text messages, users don't have to do anything to check for new messages). Verizon is branding the new offering as Wireless Sync Workgroup and Wireless Sync Enterprise Server. The press release follows below.
Consumers should be able to buy the Treo 650 directly from Verizon Wireless starting on May 23rd (one week from today). However, palmOne is
selling the Verizon Wireless Treo 650 starting today for the same $399 price point that Verizon Wireless will charge next week.
MobileTracker has both a review of the Treo 650 and a list of the top 10 accessories.
Powered by Intellisync, Wireless Sync is becoming one of the most reliable, secure and scalable wireless software brands in the market – and one that business customers need. With Wireless Sync Workgroup and Wireless Sync Enterprise Server, Verizon Wireless business customers can get a full spectrum of mobile capabilities and deployment options to help keep them competitive.
Wireless Sync Workgroup keeps up to twenty users up-to-the-minute with their groupware-based e-mail, calendars, contacts and tasks. The solution provides software that can be quickly downloaded and installed on a standard PC to monitor e-mail and PIM data in Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino, and then push the information to the users’ Treo, PocketPC, or Smartphone device.
Wireless Sync Enterprise Server provides an enterprise-class, behind-the-firewall mobility platform for large customers capable of scaling to support thousands of users. It provides secure mobile data delivery for e-mail, calendar, contacts, tasks and other enterprise data to Verizon Wireless Smartphones and PDAs. Wireless Sync Enterprise Server has features that enable enterprises to secure mobile devices and disable lost or stolen devices over-the-air (OTA), providing increased protection of corporate information.
Wireless Sync Workgroup and Wireless Sync Enterprise Server provide several advantages compared with similar offerings in the marketplace:
* The solutions can be configured to support any customer, whether they have 5 or 5,000 users.
* Supports the major e-mail and PIM platforms deployed today in the enterprise: Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino.
* Regardless of the deployment model selected, Wireless Sync provides a single, consistent user interface, minimizing the support burden and maximizing user productivity.
* Wireless Sync offers advanced security models for enterprise customers and provides a variety of configurations to meet the needs of each customer.