Virus: METAL Gear.a for Series 60
Dec 21 2004 - 05:40 PM ET | Security
Another new security notice for Series 60 owners--avoid a file claiming to be the game Metal Gear Solid with the file name METAL Gear.sis. According to security firm
SimWorks, the virus looks for and then disables anti virus software:
bq. The METAL Gear trojan uses the same icon disabling technique pioneered by the recent Skulls trojan, this time to disable specific anti-virus and file browsing applications
Once on your phone, the METAL Gear trojan will install a version of the Cabir virus (
see MobileTracker's coverage). Another file called SEXXXY.sis is spread via Bluetooth to all phones in the area--this file in turn disables the Symbian application selection button on the target phone.