Bluetooth roadmap, improved speed
Nov 08 2004 - 02:36 PM ET | Bluetooth

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) today released a three year roadmap for Bluetooth, the close range wireless standard.
Changes include speed, power and security. You can expect devices reflecting the 2004 changes in the next 6-9 months. Here's a year-by-year look:
* Version 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) -- Triples the maximum data rates to three megabits per second (mbps) while using less power
* Quality of Service (QoS), Security and Power Consumption -- Bluetooth SIG will test and release a new version of the specification that will further enhance the usability of multi-device scenarios, improve overall security, and dramatically improve power consumption, enabling Bluetooth sensors to last for multiple years on a single battery.
* QoS enhancements address a need for more Bluetooth devices to be connected and run simultaneously, without latency or interference.
* This specification will enhance privacy during pairing by suggesting longer, alphanumeric pins, dramatically reducing the possibility for a security breach.
* Multi-cast, Security and Performance -- Multi-cast capabilities will allow the same message to be sent to multiple devices one time, simultaneously allowing for improved usability and power consumption in applications like multiplayer gaming, multiple stereo headphones and speakers.
* Already a remote risk, privacy enhancements will make it impossible for a device in non-discoverable mode to be located in even the most advanced, multi-year attack.
* Performance enhancements will increase the range of very low power Bluetooth enabled sensors to approximately 100 meters.