February 26, 2004 articles

SanDisk, Motorola shrink memory cards

Feb 26 2004 - 05:29 PM ET | In The News
PCWorld's Peter Sayer has a piece on a new memory card from SanDisk / Motorola that makes the miniSD seem big. bq. "At around.5 inches by.4 inches in size, the new cards are smaller than the current champion of miniaturization,...

Japan to get number portability in 2006

Feb 26 2004 - 05:19 PM ET | Number portability
Chalk this up in the history books--US cellular customers got something before Japanese cellular customers. Back in October 2003, we mentioned that Japan may be getting number portability. According to Retuers, it looks like a go. It could happen as...

DOJ investigating push-to-talk carriers

Feb 26 2004 - 05:15 PM ET | Push-to-talk
Push-to-talk (PTT) is a lucrative service for the few US carriers that offer it. Nextel had a monopoly until Verizon Wireless launched PTT service in August 2003. SprintPCS launched their service in November 2003 while ALLTEL waited until January 2004....