Palm renames itself

The rumor was true--Palm Inc. will
rename itself to palmOne. This all has to do with the spinoff of the OS side of the company (partners like Sony want to make sure Palm has no advantage in making hardware, and when they make the OS that is hard to do). The spinoff will be dubbed will PalmSource. We think having Palm in the name is a little confusing--too much like AT&T Wireless / AT&T (technically unrelated companies).
The name will encompass the sub-brands Zire, Tungsten and Treo (once the takeover of Handspring follows through). Look for PalmOne branded products in 2004.
The name palmOne was chosen following interviews with a broad spectrum of Palm customers, partners, employees, naming consultants and industry influencers. When people inside and outside the company reflect on Palm's essence, three ideas emerged consistently:
The company's heritage as a pioneer in handheld computing
Palm's worldwide leadership, which it has retained despite an influx of competitors
The conviction that Palm always would place customers first, thereby
delivering what matters most to them.